
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Poetic Form in the Avante-Gaga

Oh Lady Gaga, how does thy become so popular? Well I think I know the answer. Orginality of course, and the lack of fear in being simply the most avante garde pop star in the music industry.
Most people think of her top hits when they hear the words GAGA come out of someone mouth. However, I think of the meat dress and crazy shoes.
According to the article, No Theory But For Practice, Born Magazine defines the artist in the digital world of composing as to be someone whom uses " a visual representation of how the narrative unfolds in the designers mind—as such evoking specific images, artists, styles, and traditions"

In my mind, Lady Gaga is an arist whom puts these aspects in her sense of fashion. She is using her body as a visual representation for unfolding a narrative of her own individuality as an artist. This is an evoking image nonetheless, but I feel the message is for a reason pertaining to her stance on such an issue. Read here about what she has to say about the meat dress. 

Lady Gaga is not a literary composer though some might argue that her work, being her fashion and her music is of great poetic form. I would have to agree, and like Born Magazine defnies this Avante Garde, Lady Gaga is indefinatly a visual inspiration for many.

Written by: Taylor Cameron

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