
Monday, April 21, 2014

Symbolizing Space by Hailey

In Symbolizing Space: Non-Discursive Composing of the Invisible the author discusses the importance of empty space and non-discursive methods in communication. Non-discursive methods can be symbols, the white space around a text, or even the silent parts in a movie. The author explains how “contemporary writing is not simply the alpha-centric literacies of verbal language on paper: not just the application of an alphabet.” An example that the author brings up is that architecture can be an example of nondiscursive methods of communication. "The created space of architecture, is a symbol of functional existence." An example of architecture that I find non-discursive is the Undergraduate Academic Center building on campus. I like how the arch essentially frames the square, which in a way is really framing the heart of San Marcos. The square in San Marcos is the heart of the city and it also has some of the oldest buildins and the court house. While I don't find the inside of the U.A.C. to be as touching, I think that the arch is not only esthetically pleasing, but it also has a deeper meaning of "framing" one of the busiest and oldest parts of our town. I also love that it is a new building on campus that frames the oldest part of our town. Buildings can be seen differently by every person who walks by them, and that is also what makes them nondiscursive. Everyone can read a book and think differently about what it said, just as people can walk by a building and see it in different lights. 

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