
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Re-Inventing Invention - Amy Eades

Discordia Concors: Harmonious Discord

This chapter’s theory states that by way of chaos and the messiness of unlike objects being placed together, a new form of creativity and invention can be born.  The main premise of this study was to find an environment in which one can be the most innovative or in which situation the most creativity can be provoked; their conclusion was that viewing and meditating on certain images or words that aren’t necessarily connected to one another allows the mind space to create associations between them and, in turn, evokes a level of innovation. I think that this theory is best displayed through the very well known social media website, Pinterest. Pinterest is a social media platform in which someone can log on and view a variety of images that aren’t necessarily related to each other, but are all generally linked to the users interests. Pinterest allows the user to collect the images, or “Pins”, that inspire, intrigue, or interest the user for later viewing. Often when I use Pinterest, I will see one pin that peaks my interest about cooking, and directly after it I will see a pin that sparks my interest in books or gardening. This type of varied experience creates an urge for creativity in many areas and usually leads to innovative thoughts of combining my interests.
Amy Eades

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